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Chain Link

Wrought Iron

Decks and Pergolas

Solid privacy fence.

Gray vinyl frame and posts.

Solid vinyl privacy fence.

Long view of gray vinyl.

Closed picket vinyl fence.

Typically placed around swimming pools.

Closed picket white vinyl fence.

Closed picket vinyl fence.

Typically placed around swimming pools.

16' x 44' arbor patio cover.

All white vinyl structure

Solid white vinyl privacy fence.

Closed picket white vinyl fence.

Scalloped picket fence.

Scalloped picket fence.

1 x 6 tongue-and-groove solid privacy fence.

3-rail, Diamond Rail Fence. This is the best-looking of all the rail fencing.

Slatted air conditioner enclosure.

Three rail, closed picket, white vinyl fence.

Three rail, closed picket, white vinyl fence.

Three rail, closed picket, white vinyl fence.

 All vinyl materials carry a lifetime guarantee.  These fences, decks and arbors never need  maintenance.

Key Benefits

bulletLifetime guarantee
bulletNo painting or other finishing ever needed
bulletVirtually the last fence, arbor, deck, etc. you will ever have to buy




Send mail to webmistress@whitakerroger.com with questions or comments about this web site.     
Last modified: 08/05/07